From buying or building your first home to leasing, subdividing, finance arrangements, family breakdown and moving into an Aged Care Facility, the Phillips & Wilkins Property Law team can advise you and your family on the complexities involved and tailor solutions that suit your circumstances.
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Phillips & Wilkins has years of experience in assisting clients to draft valid wills as part of their estate planning.
A well drafted will ensures that your beneficiaries receive the assets that you intend them to receive and minimises the likelihood of an estate dispute.
Obtaining expert advice before entering into business arrangements is always advisable and our lawyers can assist you with a wide range of matters including leases, purchases and sales of business, partnership agreements, buy/sell agreements, company arrangements, company structure and trust advice.
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There is a number of ways to resolve disputes, whether between family members, neighbours or business partners.
We strive to avoid costly court appearances and do our utmost to settle disputes early and fairly.
Modern personal relationships come in all forms. However, when personal relationships have broken down we provide our clients with common sense and cost-effective advice to achieve the best possible result.
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When you have suffered the loss of a loved one, you may have little idea of what needs to happen next.
Our experienced team can assist in administering the deceased’s estate efficiently and with as little stress as possible.